Joint ISSM/SLAMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 - Sept. 26-29, 2024


Call for Abstracts

Late Breaking Abstracts

Late breaking abstract submissions are intended to allow for the timely presentation of high-impact trials from studies for which no preliminary data was available at the time of the original submission deadline.

Deadline for late-breaking abstracts: July 15, 2024

Present your ground-breaking research on an international stage! The scientific committee welcomes abstract submissions for oral, poster, and video presentations in the following categories:

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Basic Science: Female

  • Basic Science: Male

  • Couples and Sexual Health

  • Epidemiology/Risk Factors

  • Erectile Dysfunction: Medical

  • Erectile Dysfunction: Surgical

  • Ethics/History of Sexual Medicine/Sexology

  • Evaluation/Imaging/Diagnostics for Sexual Concerns

  • Fertility/Reproductive Health

  • Gender Affirming Medical Therapy/Transgender Care

  • Gender Affirming Surgery

  • Genital Dermatology and Surgery in Women

  • Hormones in Men

  • Hormones in Women

  • Media and Sexual Medicine

  • Mental Health/Sex Therapy

  • Oncosexology

  • Orgasm Disorders in Women

  • Orgasm/Ejaculation Disorders in Men

  • Peyronie’s Medical Management

  • Peyronie’s Surgical Management

  • Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Sexual Problems

  • Regenerative and Restorative Therapies

  • Sexology/Sex and Culture

  • Sexual and Genital Pain

  • Sexual Arousal Disorder

  • Sexual Desire/Hypoactive Sexual Desire

  • STI (sexually transmitted infections)

  • Vaginismus

All abstracts presented at the meeting will be published in a supplement of the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Abstract Information

  1. Your abstract must be prepared in English

  2. To ensure that article referees or peer reviewers do not know your identity (as author[s] of the abstract being reviewed), you will need to make sure that you remove any information in the actual abstract (including footnotes and acknowledgments) that could identify you, and disguise all references to personally identifiable information such as the research institution where your work was carried out. Also, exclude references to grants awarded to named persons, refer to your own references in the third person.

  3. Your abstract word count should NOT exceed 500 words.

  4. Structure of your abstract:

    • Introduction: Describe the background supporting the relevance of the research question

    • Objective: State the purpose of the study or investigation.

    • Methods: State details on study subjects, techniques, and/or observational/analytical methods.

    • Results: Include your main findings, noting statistically significant data.

    • Conclusions: Summarize principal conclusions, emphasizing new and important aspects.

  5. Use standard abbreviations. Place unusual abbreviations between parentheses (...) after the first appearance of the word.

  6. If an abstract is presented at another regional meeting, the organization allows for the abstract to be presented at the ISSM/SLAMS 2024 Meeting in Rio de Janeiro.

  7. Acknowledgment: If you do not follow these instructions, your abstract may be declined.

Please note:

  1. All abstract details will appear/be published EXACTLY as submitted, so please avoid errors and misspellings and capitalize names/words where applicable;

    • Do NOT enter your abstract title with every letter CAPITALIZED;

    • Fill in ALL authors of this abstract in order of relevance: start with the main author, proceed with co-authors;

    • Only authors who filled out this form will be printed in the book of abstracts;

    • The authors will appear in order of submission (not alphabetically)

    • EACH AUTHOR will need to complete a conflict of interest form, for which the e-mail addresses of each author are required

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Lilian Heemstra
Zaanweg 119A
1521 DS Wormerveer
+31 (0)75-647 63 72