Joint ISSM/SLAMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 - Sept. 26-29, 2024

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is the 25th World Meeting and who should attend?

    The 25th World Meeting is the largest international scientific gathering on sexual medicine. Since its inception at the first World Meeting in New York, USA, in 1978, this event has been a unifying platform for urologists, sexologists, andrologists, gynecologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, family doctors, endocrinologists, and other healthcare professionals with a keen interest in sexual medicine.

  • When and where will the 25th World Meeting be in 2024? 

    The 25th World Meeting is set to take place from September 26-29 at the Windsor Convention & Expo Center, located in the dynamic and bustling city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Find more information about the venue.

  • Will the meeting offer Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits?

    Yes, the 25th World Meeting will provide Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits. Stay tuned for further updates and announcements.

  • What is the official language of the meeting?

    The official language of the 25th World Meeting is English.

  • Will there be simultaneous interpretation services available for non-English presentations? 

    All sessions and workshops will be conducted in English. Simultaneous translation into Spanish and Portuguese will be provided for sessions in the Plenary Meeting Room. 

Get In Touch

WMSM Office
Operated by Status Plus BV
David Casalod, CEO
ISSM Executive Director
Lilian Heemstra, Event Manager
ISSM Meeting Director

Zaanweg 119A
1521 DS Wormerveer

ISSM Office
Lilian Heemstra
Zaanweg 119A
1521 DS Wormerveer
+31 (0)75-647 63 72